Thursday, December 4, 2014

Dating Is Now the Style of Romance in Modern Life

Love and romance are inseparable natural feelings of the human mind, which may develop at early teen and often found to last till a ripe age. 'Love at first sight' is not a very commonly seen phenomenon, hence most of the people are seen to search for a suitable partner whom they can share their minds with. But how on earth a person can know another person closely, if they do not spend some quality time together, away from the company of other known people? Thus the concept of 'dating' started becoming popular, as it gives both of a couple good chances to know each other more closely, which may help them in further developing their relationship in future.
Benefits of dating in life:
Dating does not always mean to be the search for a lover or life partner; many people prefer to go on a dating just to spend some time with a good companion, who may later turn into a lover or remain as a good friend for the rest of the life. This trend of going out for a dating has proved to be highly beneficial for every man or woman who seeks the company of a person of opposite sex at any point of their lives. Dating helps in socializing with other people having similar kinds of interests or similar kind of mind-set up, sometimes resulting in further maturation of their relationship which may end up in marriage.
There is no age limit for dating and it is popularly practiced by both the young lot and the mid-aged group. Even the elderly people find it a good way of casting off their loneliness of life and enjoy some good time in the company of their chosen date. But the choice of a date obviously changes along the course of life; one cannot like the type of person at an older age, whom he/she liked at the teenage. Dating also provides sufficient experience and knowledge about dealing with human beings, which makes a person more matured.
Though dating is a common household word nowadays, it is quite an old practice which was also popular among our ancestors, centuries ago. According to different sources, people started dating from the time of American immigration, though at that time men used to ask their chosen ladies for a date only with the intention of marrying them. The prominent criteria for selecting a suitable dating partner has changed from time to time; hence the qualities sought by our grandparents in their chosen date are no longer counted for by anyone of our generation. Therefore, it is important for all to know exactly what the opposite sex now wants in a suitable date, to be more in demand by them.

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Relationships Between Men and Women

It is common knowledge that a married man lives longer than a single man. A single woman, however, could forgo marriage for as long as possible where it not for her biological clock which dictates the period of time in which she and her husband can have babies.
Secondly, a woman can have many lady friends to confide in as they talk about their favorite topics: shopping, men/boyfriends and sex. If a woman is lucky enough to have a loving husband, their life of intimacy can include anything from vanilla to kinky sex. Their life in the outside world can include dining, dancing, theatre, movies, sports, gym, bicycling, hiking, horseback riding, rowing, sailing, rodeo, bumper cars, bowling, casinos and cruises/vacations.
A man, on the other hand, has few buddies and their topics of discussion can center around sports, women and sex.
A lonely woman would have to be careful if she meets such a man in a bar.
A good way to meet and form a relationship is to meet on a dating / relationship website. No money should pass hands if these prospective dates are to prove trustworthy. Inasmuch as I reside in the United States, I can only comment on the dating sites therein. The best #1 website is: and I met my current wife there.
A number of sites, however, attract scam artists who do many or all of the following: pretend to be from your area but, nevertheless, hail from countries like Ghana or other African countries as well as those from Asia as well as post false photos. You should be weary of those that won't or can't do video cam. Even so, these scammers may hire others to appear on their webcam videos.
These scam artists will later tell you by e-mail that for whatever reason, they are "stuck" in another country and once you fall in love with them ask you for money in order that they may come to you.
There is a way to trace their URL just as you would your regular e mails. I do not know how to do so as I am not computer savvy. I would appreciate anyone who can share this information with me.
Companies like MoneyGram or WesternUnion allow you to send money for a small fee. However, their directives indicate NOT to send money to someone you do not know NOR to someone you have not met,

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How To Get A Man's Attention And What To Do

Who doesn't want to be the fabulous and be the belle of the ball? Getting attention from men feels good!
There's nothing at all wrong with wanting to be more popular.
But did you know being popular can be bad if you don't know how to manage it? You need to know them before you make any big moves. Every woman is different and you need to know the reasons why you want to be popular. Because men who are looking to provide a safe and long term relationship are discerning and being known around the town as the party girl sure can make you 'popular' but it won't make you perfect wife material in the eyes of real men.
It's easy to sharpen up your interpersonal skills and qualities that you can apply to the social scene. You can talk your way up and get others to friend and follow you as a well-liked woman, but most of the time, you're going to be socializing with very superficial people that can forget your name in 5 minutes. The average single popular woman who is on the lookout for a man usually suffers to find anything good because she hangs out with all the men who are wrong for her.
Now, I'm not saying, that there's anything wrong with being popular. It's just that being the star of the show brings you into the focus of a lot of jealousy and nasty comments from people you don't even know were you enemies. Don't you want real friends and real emotional conversations, and not just a lot of talk about nothing? Just think for a second of all the celebrities that have had a melt down because of this steaming bull and relentless peer pressure to constantly drink, drug, dance and party. There is a real cost to fame. You have to deal with all sorts of unworthy, jealous and dangerous people. Other people's gossip is powerful, and mean. It can break your relationships if you are not careful. Are you ready to play with fire?
There are some women who can handle the pressure and walk right past it. Those are the super stars you read in the magazines or see on television. However, there are many smart women who are just celebrities in their own group or area of expertise. They get all the upsides of being popular and a lot less of the backlash that comes from other people being jealous.
It's a good idea to be the star of your own little group of girls, men like that. They see that you are a confident leader. And 'alpha' males like 'alpha females'. Yes. That's the shortcut way of being popular to find a good man. The reward you can potentially get for doing this is extraordinary. You can have a real great man be so attracted to you he comes to you with his arms wide open. And you don't have to lift a finger. It happens all in the comfort of your own clique. All you have to do is be seen by men leading your girls. But the trick is to do all of this in an open fashion. Leave your group to talk to a man you like, that way he doesn't feel intimidated.
My name is Ashlynn and the emotional turmoil from not being able to attract a man made me fat, but that's now long past my back and I went on to develop my new website for you to attract a man emotionally. Click here to take the free love relationship compatibility quiz to find out if you can attract men or not!

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Another New Relationship? Why It Will Never Make You Happy

New relationships feel good, don't they? A time of blissful happiness where you can't wait to spend time with the man you've just fallen for. So, why doesn't this happiness last? Many women have a tendency to move from relationship to relationship looking for somebody who will make them happy. But here's the deal! If you're not happy already then no relationship can ever make you happy. It's time to learn the important truth about happiness in relationships.
Often the things that we think will make us happy are not things that really make us happy. For example, material possessions might give us a feeling of happiness in the short-term but it never lasts very long. Often the focus of our lives and longing for happiness are our relationships and, in particular, that one wonderful relationship with a special man.
Without this, we feel that something is missing. When we meet someone and fall in love, we have that glow about us and we feel intensely alive and happy. In the beginning, the relationship is our main focus. It feels wonderful as each partner tries hard to impress and do what they can to make the other happy.
But it can't last. Sooner or later real life takes over and the focus of one or both partner's attention changes. It has to. It is impossible to maintain that focus purely on a relationship. Now it doesn't feel so right anymore. We want more or something else. We start to think that if only our partner would start doing this or stop doing that, we could be happy. If only something was different; if only we could get back to the way we were; if only we could get married or have kids, or buy our own place together. Or perhaps we feel it's time to swap our partner for someone new. Certainly, we feel, we would be happy if the problem we are now focussing on was resolved. But, I promise you, the next problem will be waiting just around the corner.
This is just human nature, so it happens to all of us to a greater or lesser degree. But when we think that these things are going to make us happy, we are missing the point. None of these things can make us happy because happiness can't come from outside yourself. Of course, it appears to come from all those things but, as I've already said, that is only a temporary state of affairs.
You see, happiness is a decision that we make - to be happy in our current circumstances. Happy people are those that are content within themselves and don't expect other people to make them happy. They accept the ups and downs of life and the imperfections of themselves and others and they choose to be happy anyway. Often this is conditioned by our upbringing so we may have some work to do to make that choice.
I'm not saying that you should choose to be happy in all circumstances or try to be happy in a relationship that's not right for you. But generally, people who are happy in relationships focus on their partner's good qualities and not on what is missing. It really is all about where you focus your attention. See the good in your relationship and you will be happy. Focus on the bad and your relationship will always be a source of misery.
When you tend to focus on the unsatisfactory in your relationships then you will always become dissatisfied. Perhaps you will shun relationships or waste time in unhappy relationships. Maybe you will move from relationship to relationship, always looking for something that is missing and never finding it. Is this you? Be honest with yourself. Do you understand that you create your own happiness by choosing to focus your attention on the good rather than the bad? When will you start choosing happiness in your relationships?
To turn your new relationship into a strong, loving, happy relationship, you need to understand what really makes a man feel good. There is a certain type of woman that a man is irresistibly attracted to. She knows how to captivate him and communicate with him to draw him close and get him to respond in the ways that she wants. You can learn to be the type of woman that men adore and never want to leave. You can also find lots of great information and advice on dating and relationships on my website.

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How to Ask Women Out Over Text - The Right Way

Okay, so what exactly is wrong with the common text message guys use to ask girls out?
Let's see:
The common text
"Hey Lisa, would you like to go to the movies on Friday?"
The Problem with this text is that you are asking for permission. Asking for permission to go hangout is extremely needy because you are asking for something. Something that's pretty valuable, which is time.
Another problem with this text is that you are putting pressure on her to make a commitment to seeing you. I'm sure you wouldn't like to be put under pressure and then be forced into making a decision. Neither do girls, so most of the time they will lean to avoiding the burden. So if she is on the fence about you, she will reject you or ignore your text.
Do It The Right Way
What I always say is "don't ask her out. . . Tell her out!!"
"Hey Lisa, Let's grab a drink on Thursday or Friday"
The main reason why a text like this is better is because by assuming she is going to go out with you,you are showing confidence and leadership. Both Are very attractive qualities to women. Look at the most confident man you know and notice the way they think. They always act like everything is going to go his way. So that is what we are communicating here.
Showing Leadership is attractive to women because leadership is a very masculine characteristic. Women LOVE a man that can just make decisions and take control. One of the biggest complain girls make about men is that so many of them can't make up their mind. So by taking the lead on your text you are showing decisiveness.
The only decision she should be making is if she is going to see you either Thursday or Friday.
On this text you are taking the pressure off her by putting the pressure on yourself. So if she is on the fence about you, this text would make it easier for her to accept to go on a date with you.
Getting Rejected
"But what if she rejects me? I'd look like a fool" I hear you thinking.
Well, no.
First off, you showed her you are a confident and masculine man who takes matters into his own hands.
and second,when a girl doesn't like you, there is no text you can send to convince her into wanting to see you.
For Personal Dating Coaching and Advice visit
Experienced dating coach offering affordable Coaching.

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Let's Talk About Stress and Dating

As humans, we cannot survive without stress, no more than we can survive without each other. Stress is necessary because it helps us to cope with every day life's situations. However, when it comes to dating, the tension can become overwhelming, especially during the holidays.
When you meet someone for the first time, you may be under extreme pressure to be on your best behavior because you want to make a good impression, especially if you are interested in pursuing a romantic relationship. But first you must get to know that individual, date him or her for a period of time and then try to create and maintain a healthy and fun experience, which can add more strain to an already demanding courtship.
Stress is the pressures, strains or changes placed on the body, which can affect your physical, mental and emotional well-being. However, too much stress can seriously affect your psychological and spiritual well-being if you do not know how to handle or cope with these types of demands. When you are under too much stress, it is important to recognize it and do something about it. Unmanageable tension can lead to illnesses and chronic diseases. Nevertheless, you can improve your resistance to too much worry by learning how to manage and control your life during the dating phase.
It is important to remember there are some occurrences in life that are just out of your control. There are many experiences in life you can learn to handle by identifying the stressors: actions that make you feel anxious and concerned. Here are some recommended ways to deal with stress, which will enable you and your mate to have an extraordinary love life.
Eat a well-balanced meal. When you are under additional stress, make certain you eat more foods high in the B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Magnesium and Zinc. These foods would include whole grains, dark green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts, legumes and lean meats, respectively.
When you and your mate are angry, nervous or upset with each other, try physical activities such as walking, jogging, exercising, bike riding, skating or dancing.
Share your anxieties with each other and with friends, relatives or other couples by talking about your concerns or worries.
Know your limitations. Enlist the assistance of others if you find your relationship to difficult to handle.
Have some fun. All work and no play will put your relationship on edge.
Plan a schedule as to when you and your companion will be together just for romance. Not everything can be important at the same time.
Avoid self-medication. Even though you can use drugs to relieve stress temporarily, drugs will never remove the condition that causes the strain in the first place. In fact, some medications may become habit forming, create more problems and destroy a relationship; pills should only be taken on the advice of your physician.
Born in 1946, Vivienne Diane Neal is a writer, blogger, and an author. She is a storyteller with a wicked sense of humor, has been writing articles for over thirty years and started penning fictional short stories in 2007. Vivienne gets her story ideas from observing people, places and things and watching true TV court cases and talk shows.
Now, semi-retired, she continues to write short stores and articles on love, romance, relationships, and other topics of interest on her blog at and runs a dating site at

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Make That Date

Look at a scenario concerning dating;
You look across the room and there he or she is. This person has a warm smile, pretty face and looks great physically. Your mind begins to consider what your eyes are looking at and you smile back. You like what you see. Then you move on and open your mouth. A brief conversation occurs (you both giggle a bit, smile a lot) and you find yourself asking if this person would like to meet you for coffee or breakfast to just talk. They say yes.
You just made a date!
What is the definition for dating? What does it mean? Different people have different meanings for what it means to them. Here is a general definition;
Dating. The practice of going out with someone to have company and companionship with, oftentimes with the goal of seeking a permanent lifetime partner.
Dating has been around for centuries. People have used dating as the main way to meet someone of the opposite sex. It keeps your options open and is a good way to find people who are compatible with you.
Here are some reasons people look for someone to be with:
1) Friendship date - someone who you know and are comfortable in their presence. You call them up to just hang out, maybe no real agenda.
2) Eye Candy - this is the person you ask to go out with you when you want to be seen with someone stunning on your arms.
3) Sex Partner - this is the person that you find is good in bed. People who arrange for these types of dates typically only want one thing. Once that has been satisfied the partner can go on their own way.
4) Dance Partner - this person is the one you go out with to party. They love to dance and do the whole party scene so you can go out on a "night on the town"
5) Fun Partner - this person you call up when you are just lonely or need some company. You may have no special place to be and not want sex, just company.
6) Finding a life partner - We call this "dating to mate" where you are looking for that marriage material date.
The only way you can get to know someone is to go out with them, spend time with them and get to know them better. People tend to be on their best behavior when you first meet. It is only after spending time with them do you get to see who they really are. You can go and have some fun.
This article is an excerpt from my new book "Do You Want to Date or Mate" available on Amazon. For more info visit my website.

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Why Lie?

Lying--we all do it at one time or another and for reasons as varied as there are stars in the sky. Social media is full of liars, we all know those 'friends' who, if you didn't know the truth and actually believed in all that was posted you would think had the coolest life around. The reality of course is that the person is trying so hard at making us all believe it is all sunshine and lollypops that the truth becomes faded, distorted and forgettable. Fact is, you can't get away from the truth, it always wins out, this is true in life, in social media and most importantly on dating sites.
Whether you are on one of the popular dating sites, specialized ones like those for Christians or the differently abled or simply trying to meet Mr. or Ms. Right in chat rooms, lies are rampant. People lie about what they look like, their weight, their dreams, their social conscience, their religions, their beliefs, and what they are looking for in a mate. The question is, why? Relationships built on a bed of lies are destined for failure. How can you expect to be matched with the person who is 'just right' for you if you aren't giving them the real truth about who you are?
Being honest with yourself and your potential mate is such a great way to start any relationship. If you have a disability, be up front about it right away, if people shy away from contacting you based on that disability, they weren't the right one for you, so why would you waste your time when you could be finding that one who is? If you are lying about what you look like and go so far as to post a picture of someone else instead of yourself, what message is that sending to prospective friends? If you meet, the other person is instantly disappointed you lied and weren't as you seemed. Case closed.
People join dating sites all the time and with varied results. Not everyone has the happy ending they depict on the commercials, but you can go a long way in making yourself one of the lucky ones if you are honest and up front from the beginning. If you are all you have to hope is the one you have your eye on is equally as honest and it could be the start of a beautiful new adventure for both of you.
Soulful encounters is a safe and welcoming dating site for the differently abled and disabled in the community. Whether you are looking for friends or something more they can help you find what you are looking for. For more information, please visit their website at

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Simple Tips To Make Your HIV Dating More Comfortable

Living with HIV calls for strength and positivity. Only the strong hearted are able to accept their status and work towards starting all over again facing the daily challenges that come with being HIV positive. After the acceptance phase, it is natural that you might have the urge to plunge back into the dating world for a fulfilling flirt, date or true love. At the end of the day you are human and it is okay to yearn for love. Luckily, you no longer have to stress too much about your status and finding a date or a soul mate that understands and accepts you. This is all thanks to
HIV dating sites that are dedicated to singles suffering from HIV.
The sites bring together HIV positive singles from all parts of the world for dates, hookups, flirts and love. Some have actually found soul mates through the sites and it's never too late for you. In such a dating environment, you will feel accepted and you won't have to put up with discrimination and stigma when seeking love. You will however need to be strategic to make the dating work for you. It is important to get it right from the initial online dating to any physical dates that you might have in the future.
Be honest when creating your profile. This will ensure that you end up attracting positive singles sharing the same interests as you do. At the end of the day, compatibility is important and this can be hard to achieve when you lie too much about who you really are. Try and be yourself from the word go.
Be fun to be chat with. Online relationships can be challenging at first because you are never too sure about the emotions the other person is going through. Facial expressions and body language easily guide offline dating but this is a luxury you don't have when dating online. It is therefore very important to remain fun without exaggerating. This will make your date comfortable enough to be around you and you will find the conversations flowing easily.
Avoid asking too many questions. Yes, you are dating positive singles, but you don't want to go crashing on their privacy. Even though you share a common status, not everyone is interested to open up and talk about the situation at first. Unless your date decides to share those inner secrets about their secrets, avoid pushing too much. For instance, it is not important to ask how they contracted the virus or you will come off as insensitive. Try and leave the conversation as natural as possible.
Be a listener. The truth is that different HIV positive singles handle their situations differently. Some are yet to fully accept and sometimes all they need is a shoulder to lean on. On discovering that your date falls under this group, be the best listener, he or she expects you to be. It could be very therapeutic to them and you could actually be the beginning of a new hope for them.
Dating positive singles has been made simpler by HIV dating sites. You however, should try and make the experience easy for you and for your dates as much as you can.
HIV positive and single? Join - The Place For HIV Positive Singles - and find a date. Positive Singles no longer need to hide and live in isolation.

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6 Best Places to Meet Your Mr Right

1. Friends and Family. Friends and family love to play matchmaker. They are a great resource, they know you, what you like and hopefully your type On your journey to attracting Mr. Right I think that it is a great idea to let your friends and family know that you're looking to date. They probably know someone who is a good fit for you.
2. Single Social Clubs. Joining a singles social club is a great way to connect with other singles to meet and greet. Many single social clubs do activities together that are fun and entertaining.
3. Speed Dating. Speed dating is great because there is are many single men gathered in one place and you have the opportunity to spend between 2-5 minutes speaking with each one of them. This is great if you're shy because it takes the awkwardness out of approaching a total stranger. Don't be afraid to try it.
4. Single Cruises. Why not find love at sea? This is a great opportunity for you to vacation and find the love of your life.
5. is a great resource for meeting single men and connecting with single groups. They have about every type of single group whether it's speed dating, single wine tasting, and much more. I would highly recommend that you join a singles group that also includes your hobby.
6. Single's Dinner Party. Do you love to eat and meet new people? There are some Single's dinner party groups that you can join or you can host your own. If you have a group of friends who are single then host your own dinner party and ask everyone to invite their single friends. (Rule of thumb: make sure that there is an equal amount of men and women.)
Mr. Right Attraction Assignment
1. Make dating a priority. In order to meet Mr. Right you must make yourself available to meet him.
2. Contact your friends and family and let them know that you're looking to date and if they know of anyone that would be a great fit. Please also inform your family and friends of what type of man you're looking for. (They may set you up on a blind date with Mr. Wrong.)
3. Pick 2 places from the list above and make it a habit to join, meet, and mingle.
Have fun dating and attracting Mr. Right!

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Disadvantages of Dating Older Man

Dating or marrying an older man can have many merits, but there are still several potential disadvantages. For instance, an older man is less likely to tolerate changes to his life. Instead, the older man probably has an established and well-organized routine that has worked for him for years, and he doesn't want to alter it. Because older men can be set in their ways, you should think twice before dating one unless you are willing to do most of the adapting.
1. Men have had more lovers
Older men have had more wives, girlfriends or lovers than younger guys. This can make them quite wise when it comes to relationships. It can also leave them with a lot more emotional baggage than younger men. Hence an older man may have a bitter and biased point of view when it comes to women. For instance, he might think that all women are nagging shrews because his ex-wife never gave him a moment's peace.
2. Men often have children
Depending on the age gap between you and him, his children might even be grown up. If the older man you are dating his grown up kids, it can make things feel very awkward. This is especially true if your man's adult children take an instant dislike to you, which is something that often happens in such cases. Issues with adult step-children are a very common problem with age gap relationships. Even if your older man's children are still young, they can still cause problems. Are you ready to settle down with a man who comes complete with a family?
3. Man might not share all of your interests
A man might not share all of your interests, values, beliefs and opinions. Furthermore, he is less likely than a younger man to want to go out and party or bungee jump from a bridge at the weekend. Instead, he will probably want to enjoy cozy nights at home, attend dinner parties, or go out for romantic meals at restaurants. An older man's friends are more likely to share his interests than yours. If you want to go out and enjoy doing all the things that young people usually find fun, you had best avoid the older man. The older man isn't likely to be interested in these pursuits because he's already been there and done that.
4. Men will eventually grow old and feeble
If you date and then marry a man, you are going to have to deal with the fact that he will eventually grow old and feeble. This may mean that you eventually have to take care of him. It also means that he will very probably die long before you do. Are you prepared to care for your man when he can no longer look after himself? Are you willing to become a widow early in life? Thinking about death and infirmity may be disturbing, but these are questions you must ask yourself before getting involved with a man who is significantly older than you.
5. Prejudice from other people
If you get involved in a relationship with an older man, you will probably have to contend with prejudice from other people. Narrow minded individuals will assume that you are a gold digger who cuckolds her husband on a regular basis. They will also assume that your older man is some kind of sick pervert for dating a woman so much younger than he is. You may even have to deal with your own natural prejudices and misgivings. Your older husband will probably have more physical flaws than he did when he was younger. For instance, his bottom might not be as firm as that of a man in his early twenties, and he might have a bit of a paunch.
Can you look past these physical flaws? If such imperfections are likely to put you off, then you have no business being with a man who is significantly older than you.
Women Fitness Magazine
Offers resources and advice to Women of all ages about Health, Fitness, Love, food, Weight-loss, Lifestyle and Parenting.

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3 Amber Flags About Women

There are many "red flags about women" articles floating around on the internet. This time though, I will address the amber flags - not good, but not absolute deal breakers either. These can go both ways, but are flags to keep in check, just in case.
I was slightly confused for a few days when I suddenly started spotting women on the streets using MK bags. I laughed and thought to myself really, is Milton Keynes council making bags now? For those who do not know, Milton Keynes is a city in England and its post code starts with the letters MK. (and yes, I know what MK really stands for). These babies are expensive and, unless they were bought as counterfeits in a trip to the East side of the globe, they cost as much as 2-3 weeks rent in London. I am conscious that fashion plays a big role in a woman's life but I am a bit weary of women who succumb to trends like this. Why? They are followers - they blindly follow whatever trend is spat in their faces and they fail to realise they do not become trendy by doing so but rather common. It shows a need to look like other women, an unhealthy seek for acceptance and external validation insofar as wearing the item is needed in order to fit in. Secondly, because this shows a lack of financial control. I find hard to believe that every women I saw wearing such bags, for example, actually had the disposable income to buy them, or indeed the need to acquire such item. Truth be told, the distinction between needs and wants is sometimes heavily blurred by women, especially when it comes to acquiring a handbag or a new pair of shoes.
OMG, the latest iPhone is out and I still haven't got one? *runs to the phone shop, pays a substantial amount of money in advance and sign a 2 year contract with a mobile phone network, including millions of minutes, texts and data, which she will never need.* Unless you are an extremely busy person, who needs to conduct business on the move all the time or some technology geek, there is no valid reason to spend your latest salary on the latest gadget. It's all very nice, but do you really need the upgrade? Do you?
Drunken state
Sober truths are said in a drunken state. This holds true most of the time. If a woman behaves completely differently, shows slutty erratic behaviour, swears excessively, becomes something completely different than her sober self, then there is your flag. Everyone behaves more or less like a clown when drunk, some are happy clowns, some are sad, and some are angry clowns, but if the discrepancy is too great, maybe, just maybe, she is not who you think she is.
Brave New Man covers a wide range of subjects which are pertinent to the 21st century man.
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Rules of 6-Pack Dating

I am very goal-oriented, and I read my affirmations every morning. So, it was pretty easy for me to round up my perfect "6-pack." (This "round-up" story will be told in the future posts.) My only married friend (Mind you, none of my friends are married. In fact, they are mostly all SINGLE without steady boyfriends/girlfriends.) strongly recommended that I date 6 people all at the same time before I walk down the aisle.
Why six? Because even God rested on the 7th day, right?
I, on the other hand, don't recommend this 6-pack dating to just anyone since it is extremely time-consuming and physically/mentally exhausting. If you have a demanding full-time job, then you should downsize to a 2 to 3-pack situation. It takes a lot of energy to be quick with remembering things and/or acting like you accidentally forgot things in a very cute manner. However, trust me, the experience alone was worth the try even though the whole ordeal lasted no more than 2 months. You can't have dessert all the time, right? Here are some invaluable tips I came up with to ease the stress of the 6-pack dating.
  • Sometimes hang up the phone in the middle of the conversation. It will make them think you have a bad cell connection at home. This way, you can always blame it on the bad connection for not answering the phone.

  • Text a question that requires him to respond and wait until he texts back. Then call the next day and ask him if he got your first text at all? He will say he did, and even texted you back. Ah ha, he will get the idea that your phone sucks and doesn't receive all the texts (or his texts here). No one can keep in touch perfectly with all 6 guys. This gives you a way out when necessary. However, don't abuse this privilege!

  • If you do not possess an eidetic memory as I do, or if you have a full-time job or something that takes up your memory bank, then you won't be able to remember every conversation you have with the guys. Get a notebook/diary and keep it around at all times. Write down important facts like his astrological signs, siblings, vegetarianism, blah, blah. Read the notes before seeing each guy so that you're refreshed on "who" is going on. He will feel like you really care about him. You always want to be remembered as the sweet girl who made him feel extra special.

  • Never ever pay! Those are 3 nasty letters, PAY! This is one mistake I see girls/women make over and over again. WTF? First off, men should always ask you out first. Hence they pay. Do not mother them. We need to be taken care of, and that's the natural order. Who are you to fight God? If the guy really likes you, he will pay and ask you out again. Here's a little caveat: Do charm his pants off whenever possible, both figuratively and literally. As long as you're being safe, you can have as much fun as possible. Being considered a "slut" or promiscuous is so circa whatever's in the past. Passé! You don't keep that hideous sweater your grandma gave you when you're a kid. So why bother with the old ball and chain?

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Old Fashioned Dating Tips for Men

Old Fashioned Dating Tips for Men
Try this one out for me. Do a quick Internet search for the phrase "dating tips for men" and tell me what you come up with. If you did it right, you will end up with a bunch of web pages telling you at least a hundred different tips and tricks to use on a date.
Logic will tell you that with all the information provided to you, there will be some conflicting and confusing details. Do you really have to read through all of these tips and tricks just to make sure you find a great woman?
Not at all.
Although I may have something that will really knock you off your socks. A tactic that will surely net you the best woman. It's not even that hard. The secret? Go old school!
Yep. Old fashioned dating really works wonders. If you are wondering what I mean when I say old-school dating tips for men then here are some tips you might want to look into.
  1. Make Your Intentions Clear - Nowadays, dating is a bit more complicated. You could basically ask somebody out without making it clear if it's a date or not. If you want to go old school, make sure the other person knows and understands that you are going out on a date. It will feel great for both of you to know where you stand and everything will be much clearer from that point on.

  2. One on One Dates - Go out and enjoy a night with just the two of you. No, I am not saying that you should exclude your friends from the picture physically but through the different channels of technology. Nowadays, we are so engrossed with our phones that we forget that we have a very interesting person at our midst. Turn off your phone, tablet, or any other gadget while on your date and focus on that wonderful person in front of you.

  3. Love does not equate to sex - There was a time when writing a corny piece of poetry, or bringing her flowers, and even complimenting a woman's beauty is considered making love. Make your partner feel loved by doing all these things and more. Don't just settle with the modern notion that sex is the best way to show the other person that you love her.

  4. Holding Hands - Yep. Being a bit touchy (in the right way) can go a long way. Holding a woman's hands is a surefire way to show her that you like her without being to overtly sexual about it. Going slow and letting some innocent physical contact is more than enough to show affection during the earlier parts of the relationship without jeopardizing your fragile emotions up until the two of you are ready.

  5. Slowing down - When you ask your parents or older siblings about the way dating was done before, you might automatically think it was boring. But the fact that modern dating is too fast becomes the very reason why a lot of relationship fails. Too much, too soon is what they always tell us. Wade in slowly and surely. This way you can be sure of your feelings and have a much more solid foundation for your future relationship. So gentlemen follow the old fashioned dating tips for men and watch your success with women increase and get the results you want!

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How To Impress A Girl - Secret Tips Every Man Should Know

It's very unfortunate that many guys lack the basic art on how to impress a girl. They do it from all the wrong angles which turn off the interest of the girl they are chasing after. It should be known that approaching and impressing a girl is an art that is learned, developed and nurtured.
Although girls have different preferences and taste when it comes to choosing a man, there are common things they all consider before accepting a man's proposal. Therefore, it's a must for every man to have general knowledge on what ladies look out for in order to get a ticket to their hearts. Do you have a girl of your dreams you have been chasing all along with no success? Begin a new chapter by reading the below tips on how to impress a girl without looking fake or desperate.
Let Your Personality Shine
Many girls have prioritized a man's good personality on top of their list as the main key thing they look out for. Having a great, admirable and a good personality she can relate with is a plus when it comes to dating. Some of the key personalities issues girls look out for in a man include:
  • Good Conversation Skills: As a man who wants to impress a girl on your first date or even the entire dating period, you have to sharpen your conversation skills when with her. Avoid being too talkative about things that a girl is not interested in since it creates an impression that you don't value her interests. Also, involve her in your conversations by asking her opinions about your dreams, ambitions etc. However, ensure that you don't oppose her suggestions as she may think you are very inconsiderate. Thirdly, don't show off since a girl may think that you are a boasting type of guys which ladies don't like at all.

  • Have Fun and Be Playful: Girls fall in love with funny guys so easily. Thus, try to be humorous and make her laugh although make sure that the jokes you are throwing do not impact negatively on her looks or anything in her life.

  • Always Compliment Her: Ladies love when their hair, eyes, face and anything on their body is complimented. Always do that whenever you are around her and she will always wish to be around you every time.
Always Pay Attention
Many men do not know that paying attention is one of the great tips on how to impress a girl. Girls like and fall for a man who shows that he is so deep into them and is ready to listen. Don't try to be busy with your Smartphone texting or calling everybody when you are around her because it could make her think that you care more about your phone more than you care about her. It's also good to avoid staring at another girl while close to her because if she senses that, her mind will automatically think that you are losing interest in her which will definitely work against you.
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Let's now look at how to impress a girl by going out of your comfort zone. To win a girl's heart has never been an easy task and a man has to work smart to achieve this objective. Try to paint her portrait with love signs all over. Give it to her during a special occasion such as on her birthday. You can also write a song about her with her name your main idea. Praise her in the song and talk about how lucky you are to have met such a queen. In addition, you can write a letter to express your feelings such that when she reads your sentiments, her heart melts and skips a beat. By doing so, you will definitely have an upper hand to get her irrespective of the competition you are facing sin not every man can do so.
Watch Out for Your Looks
Remember that the first impression is the last impression which means that you have to be well groomed and look presentable. Trim your beards in an attractive style and shave your hair in a manner that makes you look appealing. Avoid bad breath or body odour that turns her off. Thus, you have to be physically appealing and mentally stimulating to force a girl sacrifices her time for you. Put on clothes that fit you comfortably and make you feel at ease. To smell fresh, use cologne or a deodorant that smells good though the smell should be non-allergic to many people.
You don't have to try too hard to impress that girl of your dreams. You do not need money or diamond rings to impress a girl as it only takes simple tips such as have a good personality, listening, getting out your comfort zone all because of her and being good looking. The above tips and tricks on how to impress a woman can take a long way and I highly recommend them.
If you are looking for more tips and secrets most men will never know, be sure to check out my other posts as well.
For more Marriage, Relationship, and Dating Advice from Lenny Rowell. Please visit his blog at Be sure to follow Couples Skills on Twitter and email Lenny directly through the contact form on the website for answers to your tough relationship questions.
Lastly, please sign up to receive alerts email alerts when Lenny writes new articles on the blog and here at Ezines.

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How to Solve Problems in Your Relationship

Have you ever had a problem in your relationship and you just couldn't figure out how to solve it or know what to do about it? The good news is you are not alone and as you know the truth is that problems will always come in your relationship and it will always be something that you are faced with. The key is learning how to solve them and what to do about them.
Oftentimes when women have problems in their relationships they seem to complain about the problem, complain to their man about the problem, tell their girlfriends about the problem, or just put their head in the sand and ignore the problem. This type of problem solving strategy is not going to help your relationship. It is only going to make matters worse and hurt your relationship.
The first step in solving a problem in your relationship is to identify the problem.
The second step is to identify who caused the problem. Sometimes a problem in your relationship is the result of outside influences or lack of communication.
The third step is to come up with a plan to solve the problem. Take some time to sit down with your partner and come up with a list of solutions to the problem. Once you've created your list of solutions both of you need to agree on the solution.
The fourth step is to take action. Whatever solution you and your partner have decided, you both need to begin to resolve the problem.
The fifth step is to forgive. Forgive yourself and the person who created the problem. The reason that you want to forgive is to keep your heart clean, restore your relationship, and avoid making decisions out of bitterness.
The sixth step is to hold each other accountable. Depending on the nature of the problem, you want to hold that person accountable for the changes that they need to make. When holding your partner accountable please make sure that your actions and the words that you speak are from a place of love. Please do not be a nag aka b****!
In addition, if you find yourself running into the same problem that is a sign that no one is working on resolving the issue.
I hope this article really helped you become a better problem solver in your relationship.
Wishing you love and success,
Erica Johnson

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