Thursday, December 4, 2014

How to Ask Women Out Over Text - The Right Way

Okay, so what exactly is wrong with the common text message guys use to ask girls out?
Let's see:
The common text
"Hey Lisa, would you like to go to the movies on Friday?"
The Problem with this text is that you are asking for permission. Asking for permission to go hangout is extremely needy because you are asking for something. Something that's pretty valuable, which is time.
Another problem with this text is that you are putting pressure on her to make a commitment to seeing you. I'm sure you wouldn't like to be put under pressure and then be forced into making a decision. Neither do girls, so most of the time they will lean to avoiding the burden. So if she is on the fence about you, she will reject you or ignore your text.
Do It The Right Way
What I always say is "don't ask her out. . . Tell her out!!"
"Hey Lisa, Let's grab a drink on Thursday or Friday"
The main reason why a text like this is better is because by assuming she is going to go out with you,you are showing confidence and leadership. Both Are very attractive qualities to women. Look at the most confident man you know and notice the way they think. They always act like everything is going to go his way. So that is what we are communicating here.
Showing Leadership is attractive to women because leadership is a very masculine characteristic. Women LOVE a man that can just make decisions and take control. One of the biggest complain girls make about men is that so many of them can't make up their mind. So by taking the lead on your text you are showing decisiveness.
The only decision she should be making is if she is going to see you either Thursday or Friday.
On this text you are taking the pressure off her by putting the pressure on yourself. So if she is on the fence about you, this text would make it easier for her to accept to go on a date with you.
Getting Rejected
"But what if she rejects me? I'd look like a fool" I hear you thinking.
Well, no.
First off, you showed her you are a confident and masculine man who takes matters into his own hands.
and second,when a girl doesn't like you, there is no text you can send to convince her into wanting to see you.
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